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Membership applications are closed!

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Why become a member: Follow the link below to find out what benefits you will gain by becoming a member, for a more detailed round down of the  activities we provide our members with, check out "The Association" page:

Applying for membership: Membership applications are opening very soon! You can read about the procedure here :

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. Follow our social media to receive a notification when applications have opened.                                                                                       Follow us here:

  • Facebook - White Circle
  • Instagram - White Circle
  • Twitter - White Circle

Joining the KULMUN association is not necessary to participate in the KU Leuven Model United Nations Conference: A major source of confusion is the difference between membership in the KULMUN association and participation in the  KULMUN conference. The KULMUN conference is a Model United Nations conference (MUN) open to both members and non-members from anywhere in the world (What is an MUN?).


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Why join us?

Get Involved in the Most
International Issues

KULMUN provides its members a platform to not only engage in international politics through high quality MUN conferences (what's an MUN conference? click here.) but also a place to gain in depth knowledge into these issues. We also aim to give our members the tools to fully tackle these topics through our various training activities.


You will be able to attend plenty of high quality MUN conferences ranging from OxiMUN hosted by Oxford, CUIMUN by Cambridge, BiMUN by the University of Bonn, the Harvard WorldMUN and of course KULMUN2024, our very own conference.


With such a wide range of incredible conferences we can guarantee our members a comprehensive number of opportunities to really engage in fantastic debates.


Build the Foundation
of Your Future Career

In today's job market, no matter the field of study employers are putting a greater emphasis on a strong soft skill foundation. No matter your planned profession KULMUN's activities will hone skills highly relevant to any profession.  


By joining KULMUN and attending the various MUN conferences we send delegations to, you can prove to your future employers that you have both the will and capacity to expand your skills beyond your study. This is essential for your employability. These skills include but are not limited to:

  • Convincing communication: Whether it's speaking in front of a crowd or one on one we provide a range of training activities including public speaking and negotiation trainings to greatly expand your communications skills.

  • Leadership and initiative: During MUN conferences your initiative and leadership skills are greatly stretched when leading blocs on the negotiating table.

  • Adaptability: Every conference you will have to learn a brand new topic and adopt and debate the views of a country that may be vastly different from your own. Your ability to adapt will be greatly expanded as you must learn quickly and learn to greatly shift your perspective in each debate.

  • And much more: These are just a few of the soft skills we develop, others include mediation skills, team work, organisational skills and many more.

Travel to amazing MUN conferences

Participating in conferences across the world:


We organize a number of trips to various MUN conferences across Europe and sometimes beyond. We organize the logistics for our members and reduce costs through delegation discounts given by many conferences and, when we can, through seeking funding from the University of Leuven.  We also ensure our members are as prepared as they can be through our weekly training sessions as well as conference-specific trainings.


Where we go:


Conferences we send delegations to include but are not limited to:

  • Salient: in Ljubljana, Slovenia 

  • BiMUN: hosted by Bonn university in Germany

  • JCUMUN: in Rome, Italy

  • MUNUSAL: in Salamanca Spain

  • The Harvard worldmun (depending on the accessibility)

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Participate in a wide range of member activities

For a more detailed rundown of our activities visit the association information page by clicking here.


Training activities:


We organize a variety of training activities every week for our members including:

  • Public speaking training

  • Negotiation training

  • Simulated debates

  • Mini-MUNs

  • Improvisational skills

  • And much more


Social activities:


We host various social activities throughout the year ranging from parties to barbeques and much more to give our members the opportunity to bond.


Annual members weekend:


Every year we organize a weekend getaway for our members where we conduct a 2 day long mini-mun conference, many team-building exercises and host some great parties in the evening!

Meeting New People
and Making Meaningful

We believe that half of our organisations success comes from our professionalism and the other half from a healthy emphasis on the social component of KULMUN.


Among other MUN associations throughout Europe KULMUN is known for creating an excellent atmosphere for connecting and meeting new people through our well planned and executed social events. (For information on our social events visit our associations page by clicking here.)


KULMUN is an excellent place to make new friends and meaningful connections.

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